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Urban Design Talks

Copy of CDFW Urban Design Talks Sponsors

Status: In Process

Urban Design Talks

CDFW Urban Design Talks are monthly chats for the community to learn, converse and grow in all things urban design. Talks will cover a broad list of topics including tiny homes, water & design, food deserts, the history of housing in Fort Worth, and so much more!


CDFW is a 501c(3) and all contributions are tax-deductible.

Completed Projects


the poly heights project


Status: Completed
(spring 2021)

The Poly Heights Project

As Texas Wesleyan University underwent a new masterplan, there was an opportunity for improved connectivity to the surrounding neighborhood community.
This project was a collaboration between Comm
unity Design Fort Worth, the University of Texas Arlington, and Texas Wesleyan University. The project ended with a symposium hosted by UTA in the spring of 2021.

Download the final plan here!

missing middle housing


Status: CompleteD

(November 17, 2017)

Missing Middle Housing

In 2017, a sold-out crowd gathered for a day-long discussion on infill development of small-scale, high-quality residential projects that fall on the spectrum between low-density, single-family neighborhoods, and large, high-density apartment complexes. 


Featuring Keynote Speaker Dan Parolek of Opticos Design

the university redesign

University Drive

Status: Completed


The University Redesign

More than just an arterial roadway for our residents, University Drive is a global gateway to our community, but it does not visually and functionally represent who we are. Community Design Fort Worth did not want to just design a new corridor, but to elevate the discussion of how the public’s vision and thoughtful design can improve the corridor in a way that better reflects our community through aesthetic and safety improvements. 

By opening up an exchange of ideas about the future of the corridor, CDFW hoped to see a future University Drive that reinforces the values of our community, recognizes the changing needs of urban residents, and creates a memorable experience for the millions of people who visit Fort Worth each year.

a community CONVERSATION for fort worth


Status: ongoing

A Community Conversation for Fort Worth

CDFW's main purpose is to engage the public to create a more inclusive and equitable city by focusing on ideas and concepts not addressed by either the public or private sector. 


It is only through community-led design that we can truly create a vision for Fort Worth that Improves the lives of its' citizens and creates a community that succeeds in "providing something for everyone."

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