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UPDATE - UTA Classes Beginning Soon!

On Thursday the 27th, The UTA Spatial [in] Justice class, led by Assistant Professor of Architecture Dennis Chiessa will kick-off.

The course will begin with discussions around the following books:

  • Justice by Michael Sandel

  • The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein

  • Barrio America by A.K. Sandoval-Strausz

The course will then explore current Design and Social Justice Issues within the architecture profession, giving students a lense to allow them to conduct research on the Poly Heights Community. The students will explore the Poly Heights Neighborhood through lenses such as Environmental Conditions, Social Conditions, Economic Conditions, and Physical Conditions.

Two Community Engagement Meetings to collect data are tentatively scheduled for the weeks of 10/6 and 11/3, however, the scope of these meetings is still TBD.

These findings will then be passed to a second course in the Spring 2021 semester.


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