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"What's GOOD in Your Neighborhood?" - a CDFW Urban Design Talk

Focusing on Asset-Based Community Development & Community Design

Join Community Design Fort Worth for the first in a series of Urban Design Talks.

Urban Design Talks with Community Design Fort Worth

We had a great program about Asset-Based Community Development on May 20th! More details about the program can be found below -

Event Details

At this Talk, we will learn about the Asset-Based Community Development and Community Design framework.

In every community there are problems and issues - these tend to be well documented and well defined - high crime, drugs, low graduation rates, poor street conditions - but is that all that defines your community? To get a great snapshot of a community, the practice of asset-based community development encourages focus on what is WORKING in a community. Who are the individuals, associations, and institutions within the community that provide a sense of place? What amenities and resources are offered to the community? Learn more about the importance of Asset Based Community Development at this first Urban Design Talk!

Community Design Fort Worth will also present the findings from Phase 1 of our own Community Needs and Assets map - The Community Vision Survey! What do Fort Worthian's LOVE about their community? What needs to change? How can we apply asset-based community development to Fort Worth's neighborhoods? Join us for a lively discussion on these topics!


Thursday, May 20, 2021, 5:30-7pm





$20 suggested donation

$35 for CEUs -- AIA (1.5 LUs), ASLA & APA/AICP

Featured Speakers

Thank you to our sponsors!


About Urban Design Talks

CDFW Urban Design Talks are monthly chats for the community to learn, converse and grow in all things urban design. Talks will cover a broad list of topics including tiny homes, water & design, food deserts, the history of housing in Fort Worth, and so much more!

Stay tuned for some of our upcoming Design Talks...


About Community Design Fort Worth

Community Design | Fort Worth is a nonprofit organization with a mission to enhance the quality of life in Fort Worth communities by:

  • Serving as a resource for design and planning assistance

  • Engaging the public in dialogue about key issues and opportunities

  • Undertaking long-term visioning in anticipation of future challenges


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