Thursday, April 27TH 4PM
T&P Tavern: 221 West Lancaster Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76102
Tickets: $25
Attendees will receive 2 CE credits with AIA, APA/AICP & ASLA
**Attendees, please plan to arrive 20 minutes early so we can begin the presentation promptly at 4pm.

Thoughts on Landscape Planning and Design for Fort Worth, presented by Laurie Olin followed by a discussion with Mayor Parker.
Cities have included a variety of public open space for various purposes since antiquity. Today in the 21st cities continue to need a variety of public open spaces despite the vast changes of scale and nature of cities and culture. This talk will briefly review their historic nature and discuss the contemporary situation, not the least of which is global climate change, faced by America’s growing cities today, including Fort Worth.
Presented by:
Community Design Fort Worth
Meta Alice Keith Bratten Foundation
Bennett Partners
Downtown Fort Worth, Inc.
Garrison/Jones Landscape Architects
Kinler Landscape Architecture
Near Southside, Inc.
AIA Fort Worth